Stephen Gumba

Nyeri, Kenya.

I am a modest, but hardworking software developer who strives to give his best in whatever he does, with the determination to have a successful career while at the same time ensuring that i makes any company that employees me, more competitive.



A Twitter redesign project that allows users to create accounts, login to the system, publish tweets, follow other users and unfollow as well.

Todo app

A beautifully designed todo app.


A cocktail app that pulls from the cocktails API and provides a browsable list of cocktail drinks that you can filter and access details of drink instructions and ingredients.

Vetplus frontend

This project is an appointment booking system built with React and Redux. It consumes an API and offers a user interaction interface that mimics a booking system allowing different users to access the API resources.

Vetplus backend

This is an appointment booking API developed using the Rails API that provides the main functions you would expect from a booking system such as an admin system, a user/patient system and a doctor/vet system.


A Slack bot project pulls the Slack API to allow users to get a list of all members arranged in a list starting with their name and email and a random quote to start your day.

Tic Tac Toe

A tic-tac-toe game project developed collaboratively offering a game session for two players to play in turns until a win for one of them or a draw.

Hamburger Maze

A maze game project offering a game session for a player to play by creating a board and then moving an avatar across the board to consume the hamburger sprites while considering the best route to minimize the steps taken.


Microverse, a global and remote development academy

Full Stack Web Developer
2019 - 2020

Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology

Bachelor of Science
Computer Science - Business Information Technology
2013 - 2018


Programming Languages & Tools


Other than being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. During the warmer months here in Kenya, I enjoy hiking and swimming.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of crime and adventure genre movies and television shows with my favorite being the "The Blacklist". I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the full-stack web development world.
